Monday, January 24, 2011

Quality and Customer Service at Nordstrom

I grew up shopping with my older sister. She's always had a great sense of fashion and she shared her love of clothing, shoes, accessories and cosmetics with me. As Seattle natives, we've always shopped at Nordstrom. We also shopped at other local department stores over the years, including The Bon Marche and Frederick & Nelson, but Nordstrom has remained strong because of its quality customer service, products, and brand.

When I need a new dress for a special occasion, I can count on a Nordstrom salesperson to help me find not only the right dress, but accessories and shoes to go with it. If I'm having issues with my cosmetics or my daughter doesn't like sweater I picked out for her, returns or exchanges are never a problem at Nordstrom. If I have no idea what to buy my husband for Christmas, I rely on a Nordstrom salesperson to give me a few recommendations. Even when I've had a long day of shopping with my sister, we end up at the Nordstrom cafe for lunch or dinner.

Nordstrom to me stands for quality, service and fashion. I always enjoy my shopping experiences at the store. Nordstrom has never let me down and everything I buy from that store has all been worth it!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I absolutely agree. I had a standout experience a couple of weeks ago: Went in with the intent of purchasing some items in hosiery for a special occasion. After explaining the scenario and my planned outfit, the sales gal actually talked me out of buying something - instead of convincing me of something I didn’t need. I thought that so classy.


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